Code of Conduct – EN
All employees, cooperation and business partners are bound by the provisions of this code of conduct. It defines the values, principles and courses of action that govern Talent Solution’s business activities. The goal of the company management is to comply with ethical standards and to create a working environment that promotes integrity, respect and fair treatment. Strict business policies that are in compliance with laws and principles serve the long-term interests of the company. The Individual person always takes precedence over business policy.
This code of conduct has been adopted by Talent Solution and serves as the cornerstone for all corporate actions.
Compliance with laws and other regulations both in Germany and abroad
Talent Solution strives to comply with applicable laws and other governing regulations in Germany and abroad for all business decisions and actions. Integrity and sincerity promote fair competition which also applies to our relationships with clients, candidates, customers and suppliers.
Management commitment
Talent Solution considers itself obligated to act in an economic, social and eco-conscious manner. Talent Solution therefore strives to conduct its business competently and ethically and to protect fair competition in all markets in which it operates by complying with applicable laws regarding cartel bans, competition and competition restraints. Unfair advantages to customers, suppliers or competitors are to be avoided.
All this also entails strict compliance with the requirements for fair recruitment from abroad towards candidates. More on this can be found in the guidelines and the addenda pertaining to the quality seal initiative.
Conflicts of interest
Talent Solution expects its employees and partners to maintain loyalty to the company.
All employees and partners must avoid situations in which their personal or financial interests conflict with those of Talent Solution. Therefore, it is particularly forbidden to invest in competitors, suppliers or customers or to enter into business relationships with them in a private capacity, to an extent that may lead to a conflict of interest. Conflict situations may not affect Talent Solution’s interests.
Such conflicts of interest can arise in many situations: for example, no employee may accept benefits – in any form – that could reasonably be considered to influence Talent Solution business decisions or transactions. Any invitations must remain within the bounds of customary business hospitality. Talent Solution employees shall not personally benefit through access to confidential information, directly and/or indirectly, by virtue of their position. All employees are obligated to promote Talent Solution’s legitimate interests to the furthest extent possible. Any competitive activity with the company must be avoided.
Any actual or potential conflict of interests must be reported and discussed with the relevant supervisors.
Ban on corruption
Talent Solution strongly opposes corruption and bribery. Any line of action in which business is conducted by unfair means will not be tolerated. Talent Solution employees and partners must not offer, receive or accept any benefits from business partners that could compromise an objective and fair business decision or even produce such an impression. This applies especially to business and relationships with third country partners. Talent Solution knows that especially business transactions and official procedures within third countries can be carried out considerably faster by means of „under the table“ contributions. Talent Solution would rather forego an order or close an office, as has happened recently (we had to close our first office in a third country because we did not want to pay additional and undisclosed cash amounts to an official).
Insider policy
All Talent Solution employees are required to comply with the insider policy, in particular that of maintaining procedure confidentiality. This specifically includes employees who have access to confidential information relating to Talent Solution or any company with which Talent Solution conducts business.
Examples of such inside information are management plans, plans for product launch and manufacturing plans, business transactions, Talent Solution revenue and profitability, contracts or business relationships, financial information or significant litigation, among other things.
Fair working conditions
All Talent Solution employees are required to support maintaining a safe and healthy environment. Therefore, safety rules and practices must be strictly adhered to.
As a socially responsible employer, Talent Solution considers its employees to be of great value. It demands high commitment from its employees and shares business success with them in return.
Talent Solution’s human resource policy contributes to providing each employee with opportunities for professional and personal growth. Open exchange of opinions, criticism and ideas are encouraged.
Talent Solution condemns unlawful discrimination or harassment of any kind.
Further information and mission statement
Managing internal information
All Talent Solution employees are obliged to ensure a fast and smooth exchange of information within the company. Information must be passed on correctly and completely to the concerned authorities, companies or departments, unless in exceptional cases where confidentiality obligations take precedence. Relevant information may not be withheld illegally, falsified or passed on selectively.
Dishonest reporting within the company or to organizations or persons outside the company is strictly prohibited. All of Talent Solution’s annual reports, business papers and books of account must accurately reflect accounting events and business transactions and comply with legal requirements as well as Talent Solution’s accounting policies and internal accounting procedures.
Managing assets
All Talent Solution employees are responsible for the proper and careful handling of company property. Each employee is obligated to protect Talent Solution property against loss, damage, misuse, theft, embezzlement or destruction. Each employee is also obligated to notify his or her supervisor immediately of any use of assets violating the provisions above.
Confidentiality and data protection
Much of Talent Solution’s business information and documents are constrained by confidentiality or legally protection. This does not apply if disclosure of the information has been approved by Talent Solution or is deemed mandatory due to laws or regulations.
The obligation to confidentiality particularly refers to intellectual property. This includes trade secrets, patents, trademarks and copyrights, but also business and marketing plans, drafts, business papers, salary data and all other undisclosed financial data and reports. It does not matter how the information is disclosed.
All personal information about employees, customers, business partners and suppliers, as well as other third parties, is treated carefully at Talent Solution and treated confidentially in full compliance with data protection laws. The protection of this information must be observed with the utmost care.
It is to be ensured that personal opinions are never associated with Talent Solution when posting on social media.
Implementation and supervision
The rules within in this code of conduct form a core component of Talent Solution’s corporate culture. Consistent compliance with these principles is imperative. Every employee is responsible for this.
If an employee has concerns or complaints about any of the items listed in this Code of Conduct, or has knowledge of any breach of the rules of conduct stated herein, they should immediately bring this to the attention of Talent Solution for clarification. This may also be done anonymously or in a confidential manner. If an employee is not satisfied with the outcome, they may raise the concern or complaint not only to Talent Solution, but also directly to management. Talent Solution does not permit retaliation for complaints made in good faith under this code of conduct.
All employees and the members of partners who are connected with Talent Solution in a contractual context as well as the management of Talent Solution are bound by the rules of this code of conduct. Any violation of this code of conduct will lead to consequences.
Munich, 3rd November 2021