Complaint Procedure

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Complaint Procedure

You are important to us

Tell us what went wrong, write us „what doesn’t work“, we take your input seriously, check it and get back to you. We will look for a solution together and true to our motto, „Giving up is not an option“, we will find a solution.

Use the form and we will respond. Thank you


Complaint and improvement – applicants

Fields marked with * are required
By using this Complaint Form / Improvement Suggestion Form you will help us to improve procedures and service. Thank you for your help.

Form Complaint and Improvement

Another way is to download the PDF document. After filling out the form, you can save it as a PDF and send it to us.
Send the form either as a letter or as a PDF to our email address. Use the address or e-mail address in the form to do so:

PDF Complaint Doc


Munich, December 1 / 2021