
Home / Contact


We are here for you Monday to Friday, German time (GMT) from 8:30 to 17:30 via

telephone number +49 (0) 8141-404 7808
or e-mail

You can also write to us directly using the form below. Please note our privacy policy. The most important thing for you to know is:

Talent Solution GmbH
Zadarstr. 3
82256 Fuerstenfeldbruck – Metro Munich
E-Mail:  info @
Phone: +49 8141 404 7 808

Short messages can be sent here

Use of data: The data collected will only be used to contact you according to your wishes. It will not be processed in any other way or passed on to third parties. Please refer to our data protection declaration.
Right of withdrawal: You can withdraw your consent to the storage of your data at any time.
By sending us your request, you allow us to contact you. First, an e-mail will be sent to you to confirm receipt. A member of staff will then contact you to discuss your request.

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