Online test
From A1 to B2
There are 4 Levels you have to pass. A1, A2, B1 and B2
At the beginning of every course there is a placement test, it doesn’t matter where you on the Language standard is. The test will show you exactly where your German language skills are. Only after this test you will be admitted to a class.
This test corresponds to official test standards and is also available on the internet.
If you want to test yourself before you can do so via the online test.
The Fondation is the the common european framework of reference for languages, as puplisht from the european union
Here are the Links to the test, in wich level you are in reality, do at lesat 3 test and see the average
Kids and Youth
Online abgestufter Test Α1-Α2-Β1 (Vorsicht: 2 Abschnitte – Ab. 2 für diejenigen, die in Ab. 1 eine hohe Punktzahl erreichen)
Online abgestufter Test Α1-Α2-Β1-Β2-C1-C2
Online Test Α1 (© Cornelsen Verlag)
Online Test Α2 (© Cornelsen Verlag)
Online Test Β1 (© Cornelsen Verlag)
Test Α1 (Panorama) zum Ausdrucken (© Cornelsen Verlag)
Test Α2 (Panorama) zum Ausdrucken (© Cornelsen Verlag)
Test B1 (Panorama) zum Ausdrucken (© Cornelsen Verlag)