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There are a lot of rumours in the Philippines that the Telc B2 care certificate is not supposed to be equivalent to the normal B2.

therefore we have asked the TELC to comment on it, here is the answer in english and as a link the german version for downloaden:

telc Deutsch B1-B2 Pflege


The english translation:


To the competent body,

telc stands for The European Language Certificates. We offer language tests according to international standards: fair, transparent and reliable. Our program includes over 80 different exams in ten languages. telc GmbH is a subsidiary of the German Adult Education Association (Deutscher Volkshochschul-Verband e. V.), which promotes the general public in the field of personal and professional further education and is therefore recognised as a non-profit organisation.
In Germany, TELC GmbH is commissioned by the Federal Government to conduct and evaluate the language examination at the end of the integration course. Anyone wishing to apply for German citizenship can prove the required language skills with a telc certificate.
In all German-speaking countries, telc German certificates are recognised when it comes to residence titles. In addition, the Federal Foreign Office and the Ministry of the Interior recognise the telc Zertifikat Start Deutsch 1 as proof of simple language skills in the visa procedure for the subsequent immigration of spouses.
Since 2016, the language examination telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule has been approved by the German Rectors‘ Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs as proof of language skills for university admission. telc – language tests also enjoy a high reputation and state recognition abroad.
All telc examinations are based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), including the telc Deutsch B1-B2 Pflege examination.
The examination for international nursing staff records and measures general and subject-related language competence at GER levels B1 and B2.
Depending on how well the examinee scores, the certificate will indicate either B1 OR B2, not B1-B2.
A certificate with an overall result of B2 corresponds to a global language competence at B2 level and is therefore equivalent to certificates from other telc Deutsch B2 examinations.
At the Council of Europe level B2 examiners may
– communicate so spontaneously and fluently that a normal conversation with native speakers is possible without much effort,
– understand standard spoken language, even on less familiar topics,
– understand the main content of complex technical texts on concrete and abstract topics and legislation,
– report something clearly in writing, explaining important aspects and supporting them with relevant details.
The examination was developed according to the ALTE Minimum Standards (The Association of Language Testers in Europe) and the passing limits were determined statistically.
The non-profit telc GmbH is a member of the quality associations ALTE and EAQUALS (Evaluation & Accreditation of Quality in Language Services). In addition, TELC gGmbH is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.
Frankfurt am Main, December 3, 2018
„Barbara Veiga Läzaro
Communication and Distribution telc gGmbH