- 28
- Feb.
- 2017
62.000 Philippinen
The Bottleneck
62,000 inhabitants with a Philippine migration background live in Germany.
In the 1960s and 70s, many immigrated to Germany as medical professionals. In the mid-1970s, there was a recruitment freeze and many immigrated to Germany for family reunification and marriage. However, many of the professional qualifications they brought with them were not recognised in Germany. Many earn their money as domestic help.
In the field of nursing development, however, the Philippines has now caught up and adapted to international standards. Similar to Germany, the dual system of training has a balanced practical and theoretical education. Most of the 480 training institutions have a Catholic background and adhere strictly to the principles.
In the meantime, the problems have shifted somewhat. The training is in many parts even superior to the German curriculum borrowed from the Darmstadt table. So the main problem in getting a job in Germany today is to be seen in language training.
Filipinos learn very fast and well
Yet it is not learning per se that makes the bottleneck. Many experts are happy to confirm that Filipino learners are not only diligent learners, but can also quickly become familiar with the German language. From the start, many make it to the B2 exam within nine months. But this is only true if the candidate has the time and money to do so and this is where the problems lie. On average a nurse in the Philippines earns between 150 and 300 Euros. But about 20% have to pay the employer to let them work and stay fit in their job.
The Philippines is unfortunately still a third country and candidates with this average wage are hardly able to finance their own life. Often whole family associations put their money on it and together with it a member receives such an education at all, so that this can support the family later on. But even these chances dwindle like ice in the tropics when you know that more than 580,000 nurses in the Philippines are either unemployed or work in other jobs like call centers or fast food restaurants for just 80 to 150 Euros.
A dream always holds a chance
The chance to come to Germany is therefore a great dream. Basically, however, feasible and a help not only for whole family associations but also for the German labour market. No wonder the GIZ (Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit) speaks of the same profit for three sides with the German state pioneer project Triple Win. But if you look at the effects of a successful relocation, it is no longer just three who win, we now see „the dozen wins“.
An infrastructure to promote sustainable German teaching is urgently needed. One reason why Talent Solution invests in projects in the Philippines. The bottleneck in the payment of school fees must be eliminated. Thousands of the 580,000 nursing professionals would like to learn German and to strengthen the facilities in Germany with skilled personnel.
This can only be achieved with targeted support and promotion of opportunities to attend school at all. In addition to the costs of the school, students must be accommodated and fed.
So far there are hardly any sustainable independent initiatives. Approaches were initiated by entrepreneurs, which were only necessary for the staff needed in their own companies.
So far, no one has presented a consistent business model for funding. Talent Solution wants to break through in this segment and will develop the first foundation stones for a training concept. The initial financing will be covered by a crowd investment and own funds.
Organizations or initiatives interested in contributing sustainable school projects and support concepts are welcome.
Matthias Kletzsch
Talent Solution – Munich