- 10
- Okt.
- 2017
Simply as confirmation On many pages you will find this information. Here is the quote from: philippinestravelsite.com/about/ „The country is known to have a high level of quality in healthcare. The top tertiary hospitals have state-of-the-art medical facilities and at least eight are accredited by various international accreditation agencies. These hospitals are staffed with highly […]
Continue Reading...- 28
- Feb.
- 2017
The Bottleneck 62,000 inhabitants with a Philippine migration background live in Germany. In the 1960s and 70s, many immigrated to Germany as medical professionals. In the mid-1970s, there was a recruitment freeze and many immigrated to Germany for family reunification and marriage. However, many of the professional qualifications they brought with them were not recognised […]
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- Juli
- 2016

Es sind viele Helfer nötig Patience pays off, say the wise men of the world. Now we have been allowed to reap a piece of this wisdom. But in order to persevere patiently, especially with many and high hurdles, we need friends and partners. A few days ago, in this July of the year 2016, […]
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