- 05
- Jan.
- 2022
- Posted byTheOnewhoIsInCharge
- inInformation sources, Philippinen, Students News, Transfers

some pic ar more the words. here you find charts and progress pic of the transfer
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- Feb.
- 2019
- Posted byTheOnewhoIsInCharge
- inInformation sources, Politic

Executive Board designates 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse and Midwife” 30 January 2019, Geneva – The Executive Board, today, designated the year 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse and midwife”, in honor of the 200th birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale. This proposal will now be presented to Member States of the 72nd […]
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- Okt.
- 2017
Simply as confirmation On many pages you will find this information. Here is the quote from: philippinestravelsite.com/about/ „The country is known to have a high level of quality in healthcare. The top tertiary hospitals have state-of-the-art medical facilities and at least eight are accredited by various international accreditation agencies. These hospitals are staffed with highly […]
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- Feb.
- 2017
The Bottleneck 62,000 inhabitants with a Philippine migration background live in Germany. In the 1960s and 70s, many immigrated to Germany as medical professionals. In the mid-1970s, there was a recruitment freeze and many immigrated to Germany for family reunification and marriage. However, many of the professional qualifications they brought with them were not recognised […]
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- Juli
- 2016

Es sind viele Helfer nötig Patience pays off, say the wise men of the world. Now we have been allowed to reap a piece of this wisdom. But in order to persevere patiently, especially with many and high hurdles, we need friends and partners. A few days ago, in this July of the year 2016, […]
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- Apr.
- 2016
- Posted byTheOnewhoIsInCharge
- inInformation sources, Politic
Corruption in Focus The German Bundestag will soon meet about the law on fighting corruption in the health care system. The previous network of cooperation in nursing homes and clinics is increasingly becoming the focus of criminal prosecution. This will have serious consequences for the actors involved. An article in the magazine Compliance from March […]
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- Okt.
- 2014
- Posted byTheOnewhoIsInCharge
- inInformation sources, Politic
Pfleger und Krankenschwestern aus aller Welt Especially from the very near East and the very far East, health care and nursing staff (of course m/f) or nursing professionals work in clinical institutions, retirement homes or even in private households and care for elderly and disabled people. Many people from the Middle East come to Germany, […]
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- Juni
- 2014
- Posted byTheOnewhoIsInCharge
- inStudents News

On June 20, the next candidates will take the B2 exam in German. Of course we wish our candidates good luck, but we are sure that with the amount of work they have done it will not be difficult. Three hours of lessons every day and almost four hours of homework left little free time […]
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- Feb.
- 2014
- Posted byTheOnewhoIsInCharge
- inInformation sources, Philippinen

Am 19. März 2013 wurde die Grundlage für unseren Dienst gelegt, das Abkommen mit den philippinischen Behörden. Hier der Pressetext des BMAS. Ausgebildete Pflegekräfte sind in Deutschland knapp. Aktuell gibt es etwa 10.000 offene Stellen für Altenpflegerinnen und Altenpfleger. Um den Bedarf zu decken, ist am 19. März in Manila (Philippinen) eine Vermittlungsabsprache zwischen der […]
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- inInformation sources
Im Dezember 2011 wurde unter dem Vorsitz des Finanz- und Wirtschaftsministers die Allianz zur Sicherung des Fachkräfteangebots in Baden-Württemberg gegründet. Allianzpartner sind die Wirtschaftsorganisationen, die Gewerkschaften, die Regionaldirektion der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, die kommunalen Spitzenverbände, die regionalen Wirtschaftsfördergesellschaften, der Landesfrauenrat und das Land. Anlass sind der akute Fachkräftemangel in bestimmten Berufen und vor allem die […]
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